Refreshing, tasty, healthy Ethiopian sunflower seed juice


Juice of Sunflower (ሱፍ = Suf) Seed


A glass of sunflower seed juice, Philadelphia, 2020


makes 4 -6 glasses of juice


2 cups of raw, unsalted sunflower seeds

A good sprig of rue or enough peeled ginger root to cut up into 10 thumb-size pieces

1 tablespoon of honey

8 – 12 cups of  cold water

4 ice cubes


Rinse the seeds in cold water

Cover the seeds in cold water and boil for 20 minutes or until soft

Strain and discard liquid



Put the seeds in a blender with 4 cups of cold water 

Grind seeds until they turn to paste. Add cold water as needed to achieve the paste


Put the paste in a bowl and add 6 cups of cold water and 4 ice cubes.

Mix well.

Strain the liquid into a jar or jug and discard the paste



Add the honey to the strained juice in the jar or jug

Add the sprig of rue or the sliced ginger root to the jar or jug 

Mix well and cover



Refrigerate for a minimum of 4 hours


Mix well before pouring to serve (without the steeped rue or ginger). 



This refreshing juice is prepared traditionally for the Lenten fast and other fast days. 



A glass of sunflower seed juice, Philadelphia, 2020











4 thoughts on “Refreshing, tasty, healthy Ethiopian sunflower seed juice

  1. Its Christianity and the fast rules don’t lift at sundown!!

    But, I am stacking up the drinks for the day, night, week of the American general election until the results are declared and I’ll add this to the growing list of what we are going to be getting through……..


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